Monday, July 14, 2008

Renting Out My Condo, Part II

Yup, I rented out my condo again for a week while I was out of town in Ohio/New York. And, once again, it turned out well (thank God!). It's nice to have someone else pay (part of) my mortgage!

Summertime in Ohio & New York

I was able to spend 17 days at home in Ohio and at our cabin in New York this summer. How wonderful! I was able to spend lots of quality time with my family (sans Anna), which was great. I also got to catch up with a few friends from high school and college. I loooove Midwest summers--the warmth, the late afternoon and evening thunderstorms, the lightening bugs, the late sunsets, the wheat fields, the green green green grass... I really had the best time!

Me, Matt, Dad, and Mom...we're just missing Anna!
Grammy and Me
Wheat fields!
Fishing at Findley Lake, NY